IBC 2017 is done and we’re up to a new project!
22. September 2017
The Rageboard with X-Keys!
26. February 2018Rageboard installation at Sala Contraluz Madrid!

Hi all,
we’re pleased to share an announcement that went out today about the new color grading and finishing suite
at Sala Contraluz in Madrid utilising our Rageboard chassis for Tangent’s Element panels.
The Rageboard is used to control SGO Mistika and DaVinci Resolve – using 6 Element panels with Mistika.
For DaVinci 4 Element panels are being used along with two x-keys XK-24 keypads having custom commands mapped to them.
This way, the Rageboard at all times is fully equipped and provides all control elements in a proper looking and ergonomic way.
“It’s easy to see that the Rageboard was developed by colorists for colorists.
Comfortable, well looking and robust. Really worth it.” said Luis Ochoa, senior colorist at Sala Contraluz.
“It’s always great for us to see to which extent and in which environment our product is being used.
It really adds value to any grading suite and at the same time makes working on the control surface
much more ergonomic and less exhausting for colorists.” added Mazze Aderhold, founder and product designer of Angry Face.
If you want to check out more pictures and info about Sala Contraluz in Madrid, please visit their webpage:
Or read the full press announcement on 709 MediaRoom:
We’re also told they got great coffee there 😉 .